Monday, 11 December 2006

me & singapore

hello foks,

so there's that ship at the anchorage near singapre and i came here recently..wat the hell , u mst be wondering..well its not so difficult to imagine..i am comin to the end of my vacation and the ship still happens to be at anchorage!!!! the owners ar having sleepless nights, i had been assured by my ship broker friend..and more ships are pouring out of the sweatshops in china and korea...onlly the almighty knows the depths to which the markets are going to fall to....and i am joining in prayer with those poor chaps( owners) a sea farer u see..both our fortunes are connected...amen

Thursday, 7 December 2006

the state of shipping

shipping is experiencing heady days...especially the ships are being built by the score and owners are rushing to find the crews to man them...phew, greedy ship crewmen are having a field day..demanding and getting approval for higher wages every day...why, some of the captains make more than the software geeks in America do....but beware my dear chaps the bottom is around the corner...shipowners are being stranded with ships at anchor for a month even more...the reason ?? No cargo to fill their ships....too many ships being built and chasing the same amount of cargo ...and still the building doesn't stop....u can only imagine the consequences....