Thursday, 1 November 2007


to blog or not to blog??? that's the question...and so I spent my days and nights thinking and turning about this silly u can imagine the luxury of free time that I has become almost my birth right now....cannot imagine how much I will miss the lazy feeling of not having anything to do when I am on leave...well, it seems that the question has been solved..this is a to blog it is!!!

Wednesday, 16 May 2007

Wandering here and there

that was suez....desert met water and desert met sky...the lines were blurred..making me wonder whether it was real or my own imagination cooking up a heavenly image.....
but then again it was real, let me assure you..the desert heat wasn't there to create a was balmy in a ? well you know mediterranean way....i welcomed the breeze for what it was worth....but not the sand that it bore...great things happened here about 5000 years ago...the egyptian phahroh's ruled the world or the known limits of this earth at that time.....

i am straddling five millenia is a miracle , a one off spot, a must see place- contradictory and yet so ..hmm? i think they believe that this paradise is their rightful claim..god's chosen place....